Municipal Election 2022 Special – Osprey Commmunity Hall Session

Organized by the Grey Highlands Chamber of Commerce, hosted by Karen Cox and Margot Byers, this was the second event allowing more questions and answers from all the candidates running for municipal council in 2022.

If you have any questions about the voting process, please visit the nice folks at Grey Highlands Municipality for assistance. And see the results as they develop on the Municipality YouTube channel on Monday 24th October starting at 8:15 p.m.

Municipal Election 2022 – Flesherton and District Farmers Market Sessions

An In Grey Highlands Special Presentation

The show’s hosts had a great time meeting most of the candidates for council and for the school boards in the October 2022 municipal election. Here they are, in recorded order:

  • Paul Allen 6:06mins
  • Tom Allwood 8:46mins
  • Nadia Dubyk 12:00mins
  • Reid Dennison 15:39mins
  • Janice Kaikkonen 18:44mins
  • Emmett Ferguson 22:12mins
  • Gary Franklin 24:35mins
  • Melanie Ann Seeley 27:10mins
  • Steve Maloney 31:12mins
  • Joel Loughead 34:37mins
  • Paul McQueen 37:36mins
  • Dane Nielsen 40:58mins
  • Lynn Silverton 42:50mins
  • Roger Tumminieri 46:10mins
  • Danielle Valiquette 48:12mins
  • Joe Van der Vechte 50:44mins
  • Bryden Jones 54:04mins
  • John van Goch 57:06mins

Provincial All Candidates Meeting

An In Grey Highlands Special Presentation

The Grey Highlands Chamber of Commerce hosted a meeting of all nine candidates in Grey-Bruce-Owen Sound for the provincial election at the Flesherton Kinplex. The Chamber’s president, Karin Cox kept the session running on rails, assisted by Michelle and Darren Patey, Ruben McCallum, and other Chamber volunteers. The candidates:

  • PC – Rick Byers
  • NDP – Karen Gventer
  • Liberals – Selwyn Hicks
  • Green – Danielle Valiquette
  • New Blue – Vince Grimaldi
  • Ontario Party – Suzanne Coles
  • None Of The Above Party – Joel Loughead
  • PPO – Joseph Westover
  • Independent – Reima Kaikkonen

The excellent recording of the meeting is the work of our associate producer, David Tonks. Set up and cabling by our producers Geoff Bowes and Ron Barnett. Thanks to all the participants for their efforts in presenting so well within the meeting’s format. Shoutout from the IGH crew to Steve Meacher and Andy Elliott at the Owen Sound branch of Long & McQuade who always help us get over the finish line with their expertise and kindness. Tim Reilly is the supervising producer at the mighty Leaking Ambience Studio in Flesherton.

Episode 10 – Backbone!

A long road from St. Patrick’s Day in 2020. But here it is the tenth episode of In Grey Highlands and a homage to our farmers, the backbone of Ontario.

Lorie and Stewart covered a lot of ground

Stewart got to spend some time with Lorie Smith, Vice-President and Office Manager for Grey Agricultural Services in Markdale. Is there anything Grey Ag, the President and Exec Director Ray Robertson (right) and their staff Patricia Ellingwood, Susan Bos, Keith Reid, and Joni Reid cannot do? We don’t think so.

Ron drops into the session with Lorie to talk with Dale Merrifield at his dairy farm near Eugenia, the conversation reveals some solid truths about the operation of a dairy herd.

Stewart in his President of the Chamber of Commerce capacity does a mid-roll promotion for the first of the Chamber’s twelve highlighted member businesses: The South Grey News.

Our contributing editor, Geoff Bowes (whose book Open Up The Wall beat out all the competition in Grey County Reads program back in March 2020 – well done, Geoff!) has a chat with Jessica Verner of the Golden Legacy in Maxwell.

And Ron and Stewart discuss our local and regional current affairs climate in a time of COVID-19.

Episode 9 – Super-Sized!

The long awaited, super-sized ninth episode! An hour-and-a-half of In Grey Highlands goodness!

This episode with Barry Penhale sitting in for a busy Paul McQueen.

Stewart talks with Michele Harris, Director of Economic and Community Development for Grey Highlands on .. well, development.

Geoff Bowes spoke at length with Darrell Markewitz of the Wareham Forge on Viking iron.

Geoff and Darrell examine viking iron

Ron interviewed Amy Kitchen of Sideroad Farm on farming and the Grey Bruce Farmers’ Week conference.

Amy and Ron discuss the different days at GB Farmers’ Week

Plus Ron and Stewart run through the South Grey News items and Stewart and Barry talk of events and culture.

Episode 8 – Good Things

Paul and Stewart set up and discuss the first interview by our colleague Ron Barnett from the South Grey News of Joan McGee from the Flesherton Love Committee.

Stewart had a talk about weather and dashing snowmobiles with Karen Buratynski, District 9 Manager for the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs and their interactive trail guide.

Marian Doyle and Carl Herman talked with Stewart about their respective Food Bank operations in Flesherton and Markdale. They speak of the services provided, the warm welcome people can expect, and the serious need for help in a Grey Highlands winter.

Marian and Carl join Stewart

Ron and Stewart address the South Grey News items for this episode: ‘Name your flavour’ ice cream contest, and the Forests Ontario 50 Million Tree Program. Ron is busy doing the Top 10 Stories of 2019 and the Grey County Reads contest.

In the episode before Christmas, international dance artist and teacher, Helen Jones, and author and performer, Geoff Bowes present our winter’s tales stories.

Paul and Stewart close by talking about Paul’s election to Warden of Grey and look back on the In Grey Highlands This Week production season in 2019.

Episode 7 – Health: Physical, Mental & Logistical

Stewart spends some time with Dr. Ian Arra, the Grey Bruce Medical Officer of Health and covers a lot of ground; state of public health, public health infrastructure, mergers, and budgets, ‘flu shots, falls, cannabis, and vaping.

Allan Madden, the CEO of the South East Grey Community Health Centre, discusses the future for CHCs, our Centre’s unique rural nature, current clinics and programs, territory and funding, Ontario health teams, combating social isolation, dentistry, mental health structure and importance, community based programs, and home care and palliative care.

Ron and Stewart using their ‘publicity’ faces.

Ron Barnett from South Grey News comes by to deliver the first of a regular segment on news and events, and commercial and cultural programs in the area.

Highland Band render ‘Amazing Grace’ at the Markdale Parade

Stewart gives pause at the passing of Kate FitzPatrick and the Highland Band’s tribute in Markdale. He reviews the presentation of Tony Luciani art at the South Grey Museum and looks forward to a full interview in the New Year.

Tony Luciani receives the ‘Figurativas 2019’ prize in Barcelona, 6 Dec.

Episode 6 – Halloween

Intro & Recap [00:45]. Post election commentary on costs; a tribute to Larry Miller.

Alex Ruff Interview [2:27]. We catch up to Alex and Stewart talks with him during his car trip up to Ottawa.

Recap of Tourism & the Chamber AGM [10:53]. Paul and Stewart discuss Grey Tourism efforts and present a montage from the keynote speaker at the Chamber AGM, Chris Hughes.

Studio A is humming!

Halloween & Ghosts [17:14]. The guys get spooky.

Barbara Pearn & Ghost Stories [18:29]. Stewart gets into the spirit of the day with Barbara Pearn of the South Grey News and ColorPix. Barb has ghost stories, not just one .. but four! And Stewart has his own moment in the shadows, [28:57]. Leaving the spirits behind, they discuss the work Barb and Ron do every year for Explore Grey Highlands, and the combined Art Map & Food Map, and the Beaver Valley Handmade Artisan Market.

  • Barb’s Story One [21:05]
  • Barb’s Story Two [24:31]
  • Barb’s Story Three [25:32]
  • Barb’s Story Four [26:59]
Ron Barnett captures Stewart and Barb recording chilling tales for IGHTW.

Interview with Guillermo Anderson [35:53]. Stewart has a wide-ranging talk with Guillermo Anderson of Maxwell.

Upcoming Events [49:23]. Paul plugs The Advance and

They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;
They sit no more at familiar tables at home;

Laurence Binyon, For The Fallen, September 1914

Remembrance Day [49:52]. Our hosts take note of the upcoming annual events to reflect on the price paid in service to the nation.

Mo-vember and Other Notes [52:42]. Paul and Stewart wrap up with notes on the larger happenings of November.

Outro [54:13].

Episode 5 – Hopeful Harvest

Intro and Recap [0:52]. Paul and Stewart go over the run up to the Federal election and the Chamber-sponsored All Candidates Meeting held at Markdale, 26th September. They play an excerpt from our coverage of the event discussing supply management as a question from the floor, which each candidate had a chance to address.

Paul practicing for trivia night.

Climate Strike [8:20]. The climate crisis and local climate strike activity in Markdale and Flesherton gets discussed and we hear a recording from the streets by our associate producer, Kate Russell.

Harvest & Events [12:47]. Stewart and Paul discuss fall happenings, Farmers’ Almanac predictions for the winter, the Chamber of Commerce AGM and the upcoming Harvest CafĂ© featuring the brilliant Canadian historian and author, Ted Barris in presentation for his latest book Rush to Danger.

Talking with Ted [23:15]. Stewart chats with Ted Barris about his presentation that evening (17th October) featuring his latest book and some discussion of his family history and other writing.

Chris Hughes Interview [31:31]. Stewart talks to the keynote speaker for the upcoming Chamber AGM at the Flesherton Kinplex on 24th October about sweating the little things in marketing businesses.

Insurance with Rick Gamblen [36:24]. Paul introduces Stewart speaking with the Chamber’s insurance agent from Grey Bruce Insurance about medical coverage aspects of the currently available plans.

Outro [43:18].

Episode 4 – Hives, Health & Hospitals

Sweet Treats. Stewart and Paul talk with Hugh Simpson of the Osprey Bluffs Honey Company about commercial honey production in Grey.

Health and the Future. We interview Karen Cox of Sea and Ski Realty and Darlene Lamberti of the Centre Grey Health Services Foundation about their recent fundraising golf tournament.

What? When? Features a conversation with Robert Iantorno, Curator of the South Grey Museum in Flesherton.

Karen Cox of Sea & Ski Realty presents a cheque from a fundraising golf tournament to Darlene Lamberti of Centre Grey Health Services Foundation. They talk about the need for ongoing fundraising in this episode.

Federal All Candidates Meeting

In Grey Highlands This Week Special Presentation

Our team recorded the 2019 Grey Highlands Federal All Candidates Meeting, held at the Markdale Arena on 26th September. This is an unabridged format, with only minimal audio editing in an effort to defeat the horrible fluorescent lighting based hum.

Markdale All Candidates Meeting
Markdale All Candidates Meeting

Episode 3 – Land & Industry

Our Land and How We Use It. Paul and Stewart recap elements of the last episode and delve into the business of tiny homes and the public meeting about them from late August in Markdale. Stewart sits down with Scott Taylor, Senior Planner for the County of Grey to discuss this and other community planning challenges. Campgrounds get thrown into this land use mix and the guys shed some light on current definitions and concerns.

Industry in Grey Highlands. 10 years from the fire at Chapman’s Ice Cream and their corporate resilience. Changes and adaptations throughout the light industry sector. Ice River Springs, Rossiter Boats, Medike and on-farm industries.

Recap. Tax time! Assessment definitions and the thinking behind the numbers.

What? When? This episode guest Rueben McCallum of Re/Max High County Realty in Flesherton.

Paul and Stewart in Studio A
Co-hosts relax after an evening recording.