A long road from St. Patrick’s Day in 2020. But here it is the tenth episode of In Grey Highlands and a homage to our farmers, the backbone of Ontario.

Stewart got to spend some time with Lorie Smith, Vice-President and Office Manager for Grey Agricultural Services in Markdale. Is there anything Grey Ag, the President and Exec Director Ray Robertson (right) and their staff Patricia Ellingwood, Susan Bos, Keith Reid, and Joni Reid cannot do? We don’t think so.
Ron drops into the session with Lorie to talk with Dale Merrifield at his dairy farm near Eugenia, the conversation reveals some solid truths about the operation of a dairy herd.
Stewart in his President of the Chamber of Commerce capacity does a mid-roll promotion for the first of the Chamber’s twelve highlighted member businesses: The South Grey News.

Our contributing editor, Geoff Bowes (whose book Open Up The Wall beat out all the competition in Grey County Reads program back in March 2020 – well done, Geoff!) has a chat with Jessica Verner of the Golden Legacy in Maxwell.
And Ron and Stewart discuss our local and regional current affairs climate in a time of COVID-19.